
Module ringo/utils/http

Provides utility functions to work with HTTP requests and responses.


Class Headers

Instance Methods

Class ResponseFilter

Instance Methods

BufferFactory (data, encoding)

A stream factory that stores file upload in a memory buffer. This function is not meant to be called directly but to be passed as streamFactory argument to parseFileUpload().

The buffer is stored in the value property of the parameter's data object.


Object data
String encoding

Headers (headers)

Returns an object for use as a HTTP header collection. The returned object provides methods for setting, getting, and deleting its properties in a case-insensitive and case-preserving way.

This function can be used as mixin for an existing JavaScript object or as a constructor.


Object headers

an existing JS object. If undefined, a new object is created

Headers.prototype. add (name, value)

Add a header with the given name and value.


String name

the header name

String value

the header value

Headers.prototype. contains (name)

Queries whether a header with the given name is set


String name

the header name



true if a header with this name is set

Headers.prototype. get (name)

Get the value of the header with the given name


String name

the header name


the header value

Headers.prototype. set (name, value)

Set the header with the given name to the given value.


String name

the header name

String value

the header value

Headers.prototype. toString ()

Returns a string representation of the headers in MIME format.



a string representation of the headers

Headers.prototype. unset (name)

Unsets any cookies with the given name


String name

the header name

ResponseFilter (body, filter)

A utility class for implementing JSGI response filters. Each part of the response is first passed to the filter function. If the filter function returns a value, that value is passed on to the JSGI response stream.


Object body

a JSGI response body

Function filter

a filter function

ResponseFilter.prototype. forEach (fn)

forEach function called by the JSGI connector.


Function fn

the response handler callback function

TempFileFactory (data, encoding)

A stream factory that stores file uploads in temporary files. This function is not meant to be called directly but to be passed as streamFactory argument to parseFileUpload().

The name of the temporary file is stored in the tempfile property of the parameter's data object.


Object data
String encoding

getMimeParameter (headerValue, paramName)

Get a parameter from a MIME header value. For example, calling this function with "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" and "charset" will return "UTF-8".


String headerValue

a header value

String paramName

a MIME parameter name

isFileUpload (contentType)

Find out whether the content type denotes a format this module can parse.


String contentType

a HTTP request Content-Type header


true if the content type can be parsed as form data by this module

isUrlEncoded (contentType)

Find out whether the content type denotes a format this module can parse.


String contentType

a HTTP request Content-Type header


true if the content type can be parsed as form data by this module

mergeParameter (params, name, value)

Adds a value to a parameter object using a square bracket property syntax. For example, parameter foo[bar][][baz]=hello will result in object structure {foo: {bar: [{baz : "hello"}]}}.


Object params

the top level parameter object

String name

the parameter name

String value

the parameter value

parseFileUpload (request, params, encoding, streamFactory)

Parses a multipart MIME input stream. Parses a multipart MIME input stream.


Object request

the JSGI request object

Object params

the parameter object to parse into. If not defined a new object is created and returned.

string encoding

optional encoding to apply to non-file parameters. Defaults to "UTF-8".

function streamFactory

factory function to create streams for mime parts



the parsed parameter object

parseParameters (input, params, encoding)

Parse a string or binary object representing a query string or post data into a JavaScript object structure using the specified encoding.


Binary|String input

a Binary object or string containing the URL-encoded parameters

Object params

optional parameter object to parse into. If undefined a new object is created and returned.

String encoding

a valid encoding name, defaults to UTF-8


the parsed parameter object

setCookie (key, value, days, options)

Creates value for the Set-Cookie header for creating a cookie with the given name, value, and attributes.

All arguments except for key and value are optional. The days argument specifies the number of days until the cookie expires. To delete a cookie immediately, set the days argument to 0. If days is undefined or negative, the cookie is set for the current browser session.


setCookie("username", "michi");
setCookie("password", "strenggeheim", 10,
{path: "/mypath", domain: ".mydomain.org"});


String key

the cookie name

String value

the cookie value

Number days

optional the number of days to keep the cookie. If this is undefined or -1, the cookie is set for the current session. If this is 0, the cookie will be deleted immediately.

Object options

optional options argument which may contain the following properties:

  • path - the path on which to set the cookie (defaults to /)
  • domain - the domain on which to set the cookie (defaults to current domain)
  • secure - to only use this cookie for secure connections
  • httpOnly - to make the cookie inaccessible to client side scripts



the Set-Cookie header value

urlEncode (object)

Encode an object's properties into an URL encoded string.


Object object

an object



a string containing the URL encoded properties of the object