
Module ringo/httpserver

A wrapper for the Jetty HTTP server.


Class Context

Instance Methods

Class Server

Instance Methods

Class WebSocket

Instance Methods


Not exported as constructor by this module.

Context.prototype. addServlet (servletPath, servlet, initParams)

Map a request path within this context to the given servlet.


string servletPath

the servlet path

Servlet servlet

a java object implementing the javax.servlet.Servlet interface.

Object initParams

optional object containing servlet init parameters

Context.prototype. addWebSocket (path, onconnect)

Start accepting WebSocket connections in this context context.


String path

The URL path on which to accept WebSocket connections

Function onconnect

a function called for each new WebSocket connection with the WebSocket object as argument.


Context.prototype. serveApplication (app, engine)

Map this context to a JSGI application.


function|object app

a JSGI application, either as a function or an object with properties appModule and appName defining the application.

{ appModule: 'main', appName: 'app' }
RhinoEngine engine

optional RhinoEngine instance for multi-engine setups

Context.prototype. serveStatic (dir)

Map this context to a directory containing static resources.


string dir

the directory from which to serve static resources

Server (options)

Create a Jetty HTTP server with the given options. The options may either define properties to be used with the default jetty.xml, or define a custom configuration file.


Object options

A javascript object with any of the following properties (default values in parentheses):

  • jettyConfig ('config/jetty.xml')
  • port (8080)
  • host (undefined)
  • sessions (true)
  • security (true)
  • cookieName (null)
  • cookieDomain (null)
  • cookiePath (null)
  • httpOnlyCookies (false)
  • secureCookies (false)

For convenience, the constructor supports the definition of a JSGI application and static resource mapping in the options object using the following properties:

  • virtualHost (undefined)
  • mountpoint ('/')
  • staticDir ('static')
  • staticMountpoint ('/static')
  • appModule ('main')
  • appName ('app')

Server.prototype. destroy ()

Destroy the HTTP server, freeing its resources.

Server.prototype. getContext (path, virtualHosts, options)

Get a servlet application [context][#Context] for the given path and virtual hosts, creating it if it doesn't exist.


string path

the context root path such as "/" or "/app"

string|array virtualHosts

optional single or multiple virtual host names. A virtual host may start with a "*." wildcard.

Object options

may have the following properties: sessions: true to enable sessions for this context, false otherwise security: true to enable security for this context, false otherwise cookieName: optional cookie name cookieDomain: optional cookie domain cookiePath: optional cookie path httpOnlyCookies: true to enable http-only session cookies secureCookies: true to enable secure session cookies


a Context object


Server.prototype. getDefaultContext ()

Get the server's default [context][#Context]. The default context is the context that is created when the server is created.


the default Context


Server.prototype. getJetty ()

Get the Jetty server instance


the Jetty Server instance

Server.prototype. isRunning ()

Checks whether this server is currently running.


true if the server is running, false otherwise.

Server.prototype. start ()

Start the HTTP server.

Server.prototype. stop ()

Stop the HTTP server.


Provides support for WebSockets in the HTTP server.

WebSocket is an event emitter that supports the following events:

  • open: called when a new websocket connection is accepted
  • message: Called with a complete text message when all fragments have been received.
  • close: called when an established websocket connection closes

WebSocket.prototype. close ()

Closes the WebSocket connection.

WebSocket.prototype. isOpen ()

Check whether the WebSocket is open.



true if the connection is open

WebSocket.prototype. send (msg)

Send a string over the WebSocket.


String msg

a string

WebSocket.prototype. sendBinary (bytearray, offset, length)

Send a byte array over the WebSocket.


ByteArray bytearray

The byte array to send

Number offset

Optional offset (defaults to zero)

Number length

Optional length (defaults to the length of the byte array)

destroy ()

Daemon life cycle function invoked by init script. Frees any resources occupied by the Server instance. If the application exports a function called destroy, it will be invoked with the server as argument.



the Server instance.

init (appPath)

Daemon life cycle function invoked by init script. Creates a new Server with the application at appPath. If the application exports a function called init, it will be invoked with the new server as argument.


null appPath

{string} optional application file name or module id. If undefined, the first command line argument will be used as application. If there are no command line arguments, module main in the current working directory is used.



the Server instance.

main (appPath)

Main function to start an HTTP server from the command line.


String appPath

optional application file name or module id.



the Server instance.

start ()

Daemon life cycle function invoked by init script. Starts the Server created by init(). If the application exports a function called start, it will be invoked with the server as argument immediately after it has started.



the Server instance.

stop ()

Daemon life cycle function invoked by init script. Stops the Server started by start().



the Server instance. If the application exports a function called stop, it will be invoked with the server as argument immediately before it is stopped.