
Module console

This module provides functions to write on the standard error stream stderr for error logging and quick debugging. It’s similar to the console object implemented in most web browsers.


assert (expression, msg...)

Tests that an expression is true and throws an AssertionError exception if not. It uses the ECMAScript toBoolean() convertion.


>> var x = 10;
>> console.assert(x > 0, 'failed!'); // passes
>> console.assert(x < 0, 'failed!'); // fails
   AssertionError: failed! at <stdin>:12

>> console.assert(false, 'failed!'); // fails
   AssertionError: failed! at <stdin>:13

>> // passes; any Object expression is true
>> console.assert(new Boolean(false), 'failed!');


null expression

the expression to test

... msg...

one or more error messages

dir (obj)

Prints a list of all properties of an object.


>> var obj = { foo: "bar", baz: 12345 };
>> console.dir(obj);
{ foo: 'bar', baz: 12345 }
>> console.dir(global);
{ setTimeout: [Function], setInterval: [Function] }


Object obj

the object whose properties should be output

error (msg...)

Logs a message with the visual "error" representation, including the file name and line number of the calling code.


>> console.error('Hello World!');
[error] Hello World! (<stdin>:1)
>> console.error('A: %s, B: %s, C: %s', 'a', 'b', 'c');
[error] A: a, B: b, C: c (<stdin>:3)
>> console.error('Current nanoseconds: %d', java.lang.System.nanoTime());
[error] Current nanoseconds: 9228448561643 (<stdin>:5)


null msg...

one or more message arguments

info (msg...)

Logs a message with the visual "info" representation, including the file name and line number of the calling code.


>> console.info('Hello World!');
[info] Hello World! (<stdin>:1)
>> console.info('A: %s, B: %s, C: %s', 'a', 'b', 'c');
[info] A: a, B: b, C: c (<stdin>:3)
>> console.info('Current nanoseconds: %d', java.lang.System.nanoTime());
[info] Current nanoseconds: 9677228481391 (<stdin>:5)


... msg...

one or more message arguments

log (msg...)

Logs a message to the console.

The first argument to log may be a string containing printf-like placeholders. Otherwise, multipel arguments will be concatenated separated by spaces.


>> console.log('Hello World!');
Hello World!
>> console.log('A: %s, B: %s, C: %s', 'a', 'b', 'c');
A: a, B: b, C: c
>> console.log('Current nanoseconds: %d', java.lang.System.nanoTime());
Current nanoseconds: 9607196939209


null msg...

one or more message arguments

time (name)

Creates a new timer under the given name. Call console.timeEnd(name) with the same name to stop the timer and log the time elapsed.


>> console.time('timer-1');
>> // Wait some time ...
>> console.timeEnd('timer-1');
timer-1: 15769ms


String name

the timer name

timeEnd (name)

Stops a timer created by a call to console.time(name) and logs the time elapsed.


>> console.time('timer-1');
>> // Wait some time ...
>> console.timeEnd('timer-1');
timer-1: 15769ms


String name

the timer name

trace (msg...)

Prints a stack trace of JavaScript execution at the point where it is called.


... msg...

optional message arguments

warn (msg...)

Logs a message with the visual "warn" representation, including the file name and line number of the calling code.


>> console.warn('Hello World!');
[warn] Hello World! (<stdin>:1)
>> console.warn('A: %s, B: %s, C: %s', 'a', 'b', 'c');
[warn] A: a, B: b, C: c (<stdin>:3)
>> console.warn('Current nanoseconds: %d', java.lang.System.nanoTime());
[warn] Current nanoseconds: 9294672097821 (<stdin>:5)


null msg...

one or more message arguments