
A Stick web application

A straight port of our simple application to Stick is easy: instead of providing the "app" function ourselves, we pass a Stick application to Ringo's Httpserver. The Stick application will in turn call our view functions after doing its Stick-business.

Stick 101

The following behaves just like our example from the last section. We will step through what it does after the code:

var {Application} = require('stick');

var app = exports.app = new Application();

app.get('/', function(request) {
   return {
      body: ['Hello World'],
      headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/html'},
      status: 200

if (require.main == module) {

First, we create a Stick application and configure it to have the "route" middleware. Then we use the routing function app.get(path, function) to route all URLs to the same view function responding with "Hello World".

Interlude: Response helpers

Constructing the response object manually is cumbersome and error-prone. The ringo/jsgi/helper module provides various methods to create a response. Check out the jsgi/response API for a complete list.

Instead of creating an object with "body", "headers" and "status" code, we can condense the response creation down to one line:

app.get('/', function(request) {
   return response.html('Hello World');

Compared to the last tutorial section where we did not yet use Stick, this might just look like more code to do the same. It gets more interesting if we look at the new possibilities the "route" middleware gives us: most importantly we can defined URL routes with placeholders.

URL Routing

As we already saw, the "route" middleware adds get() to the Stick application. And it also adds the functions post(), put() and del(). All of them are used to setup URL routes depending on the request type. We only deal with post() and get() in this tutorial.

I call "path segments" the parts of a URI between / (slashes). For example, /Home/foo/bar/ as three segments: Home, foo and bar.

URL Routing with placeholders

A named placeholder is prefixed with : (colon) and it does not match / (slash) and . (dot). For example:


The above is a valid path description with two placeholders: one for the year, one for the "month" and "another" placeholeder.

Let's use this new knowledge to setup a URL structure similar to what Wikipedia provides, namely:

As a path specification, the above translates into these routes:

  app.get('/:slug', function(request, slug) {
     return response.html('I am ', slug);

  app.get('/:slug/edit', function(request, slug) {
     return response.html('Edit ', slug);

We are now using named placeholders to extract the page slug. For our wiki, the "slug" of a page is its name minus any characters not usable in a URI.

As you can see in the code above, Stick passes the placeholder's value as an additional argument to the view function. And we use that argument to customize the response text: if you open http://localhost:8080/RingoJs it should return "I am RingoJs" and similarly for http://localhost:8080/RingoJs/edit we should get "Edit RingoJs".

Besides those content pages, there are special pages with the prefix "special". Those pages expose internal information like recent changes to the wiki. For the special pages we add another route, which grabs everything which has "/special/" as a first segment and a placeholder for the second. Put together, our routes now look like this:

  app.get('/:slug', function(request, slug) {
     return response.html('I am ' + slug);

  app.get('/:slug/edit', function(request, slug) {
     return response.html('Edit ' + slug);

  app.get('/special/:specialtype', function(request, specialtype) {
     return response.html('I am special "' + specialtype + '"');

One thing to notice here is the order of the routes. Try accessing http://localhost:8080/special/edit. This path would fit two of the routes: either the first or the last one. As you might have guessed by now, the routes are tried in the order they are defined.

The last thing you need to know about named placeholders is that they can be made optional by appending a ? to the name of a placeholder. This allows us to fix a shortcoming in our routes, namely, that the root URL http://localhost:8080/ is not handled. Making '/:slug?' optional in the first route fixes this. The root Url should now return "I am undefined". Good enough for now.

Later, we will redirect this root Url to the homepage of our wiki.

Storing Data

A typical application stores data into a database system. In this tutorial we will focus on relational databases and their data models:
5. Database Mappings