
JSGI and servlet lifecycle for HTTP

The JSGI (JavaScript Gateway Interface) specification defines an interface between a HTTP web server and JavaScript-based applications. It has been developed by the CommonJS project and is implemented by Ringo. Since Ringo takes advantage of the Java ecosystem, the actual implementation of JSGI is provided by a Java servlet called JsgiServlet.

A servlet is a Java web component to generate dynamic content. A web server invokes a servlet’s methods and provides them a request object and expects a response object as return value. Ringo uses Jetty as web server and servlet container. Advantages of using Jetty are the advanced security and configuration options, the open-source foundation, and a wide range of deployments–from large clusters to cloud services. Jetty provides the HTTP frontend with all parsing logic, basic error handling and web server configuration.

Jetty servlet container

Ringo itself hooks into Jetty by providing a custom servlet, the JsgiServlet. This special servlet is the facilitator between the Java-based servlet container and the JavaScript-based Ringo application. Like every arbitrary Java servlet, the JsgiServlet follows the servlet lifecycle. After it gets instantiated by the Jetty container the init method is called. Here it sets up the Ringo runtime environment, which will later process incoming requests. It loads the application code repositories and all performs the Ringo runtime configuration. At the end a RhinoEngine, which holds the Ringo application with all JavaScript modules, is attached to the JsgiServlet. At this time the JsgiServlet is ready to forward all incoming requests to Ringo and to return each response back to Jetty.

A diagram showing the JSGI request lifecycle

Request handling

The JsgiServlet handles all HTTP requests with its service method. Every incoming request will be handled by this method. In the first step it creates a JsgiRequest object wrapping the Java-standard HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects. The JsgiRequest holds fields like the request path, headers and the HTTP version in use. With the JsgiRequest prepared, it’s time to actually call the Ringo application and to execute JavaScript code. For this a worker is acquired from the servlet’s RhinoEngine. The RhinoEngine for a free worker in the pool of workers, or if all workers are already assigned, it creates a new one.

Now the ringo/jsgi/connector JavaScript module comes in. The acquired worker calls the handleRequest JavaScript function, providing it the application module, the application’s app function and the previously created JsgiRequest object. At this point the request reaches the Ringo application, which implements the business logic, renders templates, or returns a simple JSON response. If a web framework like stick is used, this is also the time where the framework processes the requests and routes it to the according functions.

If any JavaScript exception thrown by the application code bubbles up to the JsgiServlet, the servlet generates a generic error message including the JavaScript stack trace. Finally the worker has done all its work and is released again. The worker is now ready to serve another incoming request.